The Dancing Painter
The Dancing Painter was sketched in 2007, bringing together ideas of organic form found in nature, and human expression.
Studies were later done in plastic resin of the same form, and in 2017 Dancing Painter bronze castings were created.
Expression of joy and happiness through movement reflected in some of the energy for this piece - moving from sketches to maquette studies, then to clay original and bronze casting.
Abstract Figure Sculpture
Gait began as a series of sketches.
A full scale fabrication drawing was made, and a model was built from aluminum wire, wood, and foam.
A 3-D computer form was generated from measurements taken from the model. Prior to bronze casting, a 3-D printing was made of the sculpture (shown in the 4-part assembly at left).
Bronze Part No.1
Abstract sculpture - inspiration for a metal gate assembly.
Following some quick sketches, a wire armature of 10 gage copper wire was soldered to provide support for the clay sculpture.
Clay original, supported by a metal armature.
Views of the completed bronze, with cupric nitrate patina.
Bronze Part No.2
Bronze Part No.3
A study for the pivot hinge of the gate assembly.
Partial view of Bronze Series - Benjamin’s Art Gallery, New York, NY
Partial view of Bronze Series - Artexpo 2021, New York, NY